04 March 2007

Signing Off

Received by Soldiers' Angel Sara today.

To All My Angels,

I would like to take a moment to say Thank You! There are many occasions where words just can not suffice for what we really want to convey. This is one of those times.

I have been so overwhelmed by all the selfless support you have all provided for my Marines and I. There were so many letter writers and bakers that are not included on this e-mail. If you could post this for all to see I would appreciate that very much.

It was a long seven months and it’s time to go back and spend time with our families. Due to very unfortunate circumstances that most of you may know about we are going back short five Marines and two Sailors who perished doing what they believed was right for our wonderful country. They are the real heroes.

Seeing all the support you have all offered is a true testament that our Armed Forces have the majority behind them. There are many opinions about the war in Iraq. From the standpoint of this old Marine taking the war to the enemy on foreign soil is the noble thing to do. It doesn’t matter about weapons of mass destruction or if Iraq was tied to Al Qaeda. This is the battle field for the larger fight against terrorism and it’s making our country safe.

I don’t ask you to see my point of view; I just want to Thank You from the bottom of my heart for supporting us no matter what you believe. We will never forget Pearl Harbor and hopefully not 9/11 either. Conquering terrorism will be a long job and we the Marines, Soldiers, Sailors and Airmen have the will and fortitude to get the job done.

God Bless you all and God Bless America.

Semper Fidelis


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